Network Topology Setup : A can ping to B and C, B can ping to A, C can ping to A but B can’t ping to C and vice-versa

Hello Guys, This blog will help you to create a network topology setup in such a way so that A can ping to two Systems System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other without using any security rule e.g firewall…

Tamim Dalwai
2 min readMar 28, 2021

This problem can easily be solved using the concept of Routing Tables. Let us have three systems in the same network:

* System A →

* System B →

* System C →

Before Adding Routing Table

Add route in Routing table such that A can connect to B and C but B and C can only connect to A.

Adding Route in System A

Adding Route in System B

Adding Route in System C

Final Output

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