Empirical Case Study for Artificial Intelligence : Baidu
There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a critical factor that will influence almost all of the vertical industries such as Manufacturing, customer service, finance, healthcare and transportation
Up to date, Chinese AI giants like Baidu, Alibaba group holding and Tencent has achieved some of the major break throughs in the field of artificial intelligence. The study advocates that in China, AI will be an influential factor intrans formation of some industries like healthcare, transportation and e-commerce. which would be useful in deployment of AI in China.
To explore the concept of AI, it is necessary to study the views of different school of thought as all of the AI text opens by defining the underlying field. Literature reveals that some of the proposed definitions of AI are explicitly concerned with design, apparently design by the intelligent humans. Like as, (Dean et al. 1995) proposed AI as “the design and study of computer programs that behave intelligently”. In contrast, (Winston. 1984) argued that AI is “the study of ideas that enable computers to be intelligent”. Another AI researcher (Charniak and McDermott. 1985) postulate that AI is “the study of mental faculties through the use of computational methods”. None of these definitions advocates the AIis concerned to design. In the recent era, research in the evolutionary computation is on its peak and an increasingly mature and stable research community is going toward evolutionary computation. Nonetheless, the right direction to achieve AI‟s long-term goals will probably underpin both the process of evolution as well as human design.
Although, in current era, most of the computer scientists are reentering an earlier field of study which argues tapping AI through evolutionary processes will lead to the development of smarter and more efficient algorithms. Consequently, most of the brain-inspired AI development enclosed to “neural networks” a term lent by neurobiology that defines machine thought as the movement of data through interconnected mathematical functions called neurons. Though, artificial neural networks mimic the procedure of learning individual concepts. Scientists in neuroevolution are trying to create a process that built parts of the brain, the process by which only the strong neurons survive.
Major AI player in china
In near future, it may possible that China will become a major player in the field of AI, as it has recognized that AI and machine learning will be the most critical factors to grab the next big areas of innovation.
58 Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 6, №1, June 2018
In current era, Chinese investors are making heavy investments in AI-focused startups and the Chinese government also showed a desire to see the country’s AI industry bloom, guaranteeing to invest about $15 billion by 2018. In July 2017, the China’s State Council revealed a guideline for the development of the AI industry, which will motivate the AI sector to compete the other advanced countries in terms of AI technology and applications by 2020. Following are the major China’s AI giants that are working in the diverse fields of artificial intelligence.
The three clusters of Baidu’s big data vision. Tiansuan, in principle, integrated large datasets with AI. Tianxiang was a multimedia platform that enhanced user experiences in online interactions. Tiangong, was the Internet-of-Things (IoT). It integrated its cloud applications with internet connected devices, and offered a range of IoT services for users in a cost-effective way.
In the last several years of its research on AI, Baidu had made significant headway in Machine Learning. It had been integrating into its core services machine and deep learning technology, self-teaching, and neural net technology to reap the benefits in sectors like finance and healthcare.