Creating role for the “httpd” & “haproxy” and add host IP’s dynamically over each Managed Node in haproxy.cfg file.

Hello Geeks😎😎, This blog will help you to configure the webserver with a managed load balancer

Tamim Dalwai
3 min readMar 28, 2021

What we gonna do?

→ Create an ansible role myapache to configure Httpd WebServer.

→ Create another ansible role myloadbalancer to configure HAProxy LB.

→ We need to combine both of these roles controlling webserver versions and solving challenge for host ip’s addition dynamically over each Managed Node in haproxy.cfg file.

Role for Configuring HTTPD Websever

You can use below command to create role -

ansible-galaxy role init httpd

Configure Task File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in tasks directory

#Task for the HTTPD
- name : “Installing HTTPD Package”
name: “{{package_name}}”
state: present
- name : “Copy Content in Document Root”
dest: “/var/www/html/index.html”
content: “Hello! Welcome…”
notify: “Restart the Service”
- name : “Starting the HTTPD Service”
name: “{{package_name}}”
state: started

Configure Vars File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in vars directory

Configure Handler File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in handlers directory

Role for Configuring HAProxy Load Balancer

Configure Task File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in tasks directory

# tasks file for the HAPROXY
- name: “Installing the HAPROXY Package”
name: “{{package_name}}”
state: present
- name: “Configuring HAPROXY”
dest: “/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg”
src: “/RoleHttpdHaproxy/haproxy/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2”
notify: “Restart the Service”
- name: “Starting the HAPROXY Service”
name: “{{package_name}}”
state: started

Configure Vars File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in vars directory

Configure Handler File

Use below code to configure main.yml file in handlers directory

Haproxy Configuration file — haproxy.cfg

Do below changes in haproxy.cfg file

Play-Book For httpd and haproxy Roles

Use below code to configure setup.yml file for httpd and haproxy roles

- hosts: myweb
- role: "httpd"
- hosts: mylb
- role: "haproxy"

Inventory file for the ansible

Configuration file of ansible i.e. ansible.cfg

Run ansible playbook using below command

ansible-playbook setup.yml

Finally, Our Web — Server and Load — Balancer have been configured. We can see that IPs are dynamically added in the HAProxy Configuration File.

Thank — You for Reading… 👍👍



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